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A New Fault Line Dividing Christians

A few years ago, Social Justice divided the church. Everyone was talking about it and everyone had an opinion about it. The same thing seems to be happening today with Christian Nationalism.

Rewind to the time when Social Justice was a hot topic, any Christian who believed we should be pursuing God’s justice rather than a different kind of justice concocted in the pits of hell by communists, was labeled a Christian Nationalist.

Believe that Christians should gather and worship during lockdowns? You’re a Christian Nationalist.

It crossed your mind that men wearing thongs shouldn’t twerk in front of children in libraries? You’re a Christian Nationalist.

Think little boys and girls, guided by their sorely deceived parents, shouldn’t be mutilated by evil doctors in the name of gender identity? You’re a Christian Nationalist.

The phrase was tossed around so much that some people actually started to embrace it, and rightfully so. Since by the Left’s definition, all it took to be a Christian Nationalist was being a faithful Christian. Even the Christians today who want to run as far away from the phrase as possible are Christian Nationalists as far as every mainstream media network and publication is concerned.

And yet, a large group of Christians recently have taken up arms against their brothers in Christ because they actually embrace the fact that they are Christians who want their nation to be Christian. Sheesh.

To hear more about this, and the leadership of G3’s recent campaign against Christian Nationalists of all shapes and sizes, check out the video below.

Meet the Author

Cody Lawrence

Cody Lawrence

Sparing no arrows at bad theology. Making content the bad guys don't like. Building the new Christendom.